21 year old with vomitings since 1 week, loose stools since 2days,pain abdomen since 2days
Unit 3: Interns: Dr Harsha Dr Kalyan Dr Jeeharika Dr Sreeja Dr Archana Dr Raveen Dr Aashita Dr Aravind Dr Vamshi Dr Hareen SR Dr Praveen Naik Dr Rakesh Biswas A 21 year man presented to the casualty with the complaints of Vomiting since 1 week Loose stools since 2 days Pain abdomen since 2 days He studied till Intermediate 2nd year after which he started working at a local restaurant as a waiter since 1 month. He got married 1 month back. 2 years back he apparently got admitted in a local hospital for 2 days for fever with thrombocytopenia. Since the past 1 week, he says he has been having recurrent episodes of vomiting after consuming home - made fried rice. Initially for the first 2 days, he had 4 episodes of non projectile, watery vomitings containing food, non blood tinged. The following days he had around 7-8 episodes of vomiting. Since 2 days he has been having pain abdomen , initially it was at the umbilical region, burning type but since...